Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Time For A SWOT

At the side of our Leading Learning Blog are our links to our SWOT analyses for our Learning Areas. (In the sidebar titled: Learning Areas Development)

Please follow the links and add your thoughts. Try to be as constructive as you can (it's never nice feeling like you're being got at!) but the aim is to improve our work. Remember - all you have to do is to click within the virtual sticky notes and add your thoughts - you don't need to add any new 'stickies' to the pages.

I have collated any previous comments at the bottom of each learning area's page so you can remind yourself of what has been said before.

Remember how the matrix works? Well, the image above will help.

When complete - look at the analysis for your area and begin to feed it into your development plan for the coming year. For those of you just starting your role in this area - by all means come and speak to me after the analysis has been done and we'll go from there.

Please remember just how important this work is and also how this work contributes to your appraisal at the end of the year. Effective leadership of these areas continues to be very important indeed.