If you remember - APP was all about picking focus children to help you make sound and accurate judgements about the small groups they are in. We were never completely comfortable about this because every child is an individual. However, Classroom Monitor helps because, whilst we could say that all the children in 'red' group have achieved x, y and z objectives - we can use Classroom Monitor to 'tinker' with the data of individuals very quickly and easily. Using 'groups' is the way forward.
Have a look at these 2 videos - showing how to set up a group and then add children to it. Whilst you are doing this please don't worry that you are moving children about on the system. You are not! You're only creating a different way of looking at groups of children for yourself.
Video 1: Setting Up the Group (click here for a printed sheet)
Video 2: Adding Children to the Group (click here for a printed sheet)
Now - you could create several groups for your literacy and maths groupings. Only you will be able to see these groups (apart from me!) so you can add as many as you like. It would be good if we had a naming convention though so I suggest this:
If you're Year 6 in 2010-2011 and it's a literacy group you're setting up call it:Why do this? Well, because it means that you can assess (APP style) for the whole group that conatins your focus child and then 'tinker' and only be concerned with those on the screen. You won't have to worry about picking them out from a whole class list.
Let me know if there is a problem. I may post another video showing the assessment process... if you're lucky.
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