Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Further Reminders...

Hi All.

After discussions with our SEP (Karen) it has become clearer how visitors to schools (!) observe learning in the classroom. I have listed below quotes from several headteachers whose schools have been inspected recently ... there should be no fears or surprises:

Inspectors are looking for...
"high levels of engagement of children..."
"use of questioning to develop learning..."
"checking understanding during the lesson..."
"use of feedback and reviewing the learning..."

Think of our Timeline Diagrams and AfL webs generated during our observations and consider which areas these quotes relate to...

"high levels of engagement of children..." -> Timeline, Learning Objective (do they know?)
"use of questioning to develop learning..."-> Higher order questioning,Big Picture, Pupil Feedback
"checking understanding during the lesson..."->Talk Partners, HOQ ,Mini-Plenary, Success Criteria
"use of feedback and reviewing the learning..."-> Feedback, Mini-Plenary, Reflection on Learning
*                                             *                                        *

We are on the right path! If we deliver the correct AfL web and maintain the childrens' attention then all is well. It's heartening to know (or at least to be reminded) that we have been working hard in all the right areas.

The diagram above is a clear reminder from last year's analysis though: don't forget to stop, reflect on success criteria and what it is we're working towards and then go again. This is the area we needed work on (compared to other areas).

Karen picked up this quote - which is a beauty...

"children should be working harder than their teachers in lessons" 

Let's remember this one eh?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Tweet from BSM Primary Head (@bsmprimaryhead)

BSM Primary Head (@bsmprimaryhead)
BBC News - Poorest pupils 'weaker at maths'

Download the official Twitter app here

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Man After My Own Heart...

This story is something for us to look at...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Music - The OfStEd View On Promoting Good Practice

Have a read and see what you think...

It seems to be very much along the lines of what we've discussed...

Friday, June 29, 2012

VERY Important...

Can you all have a look at this scheme. It looks great, sounds great and could be our next step on delivering a supportive (for you) ICT curriculum that is creative and modern...

It has a couple of free resources to look at and is backed up with tutorials (for us) and a support website too.
If we go for it - we could do with purchasing before the summer as the themes may have a bearing on your planning.

Let me know what you think ASAP please.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Draft National Curriculum PoS - 2012

The new PoS for the draft National Curriculum have been published on the DfE website.

At the top of our blog is a new tab that houses all the documents in one handy place for us to read online if you choose to.

It is important that we remember that they are a draft stage and a final consultation hasn't been undertaken. It will eventually go to unions and other bodies for feedback. This is a chance for us to have a look and provide feedback for our own ends.

Here are some key questions that need answering and considering:

  • What's changing?
  • How could it affect our school and our approach?
  • What might we need to do to prepare?
  • What feedback might we give to our stakeholders and to the DfE?
There are Stixy Links at the side of the blog for recording our thoughts. They are public pages (to be shared with governors and parents) so be be professional in your critique!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Jubilee Resources

Just letting you know that Education City have some good stuff to make the Jubilee come to life in the classroom:

What Was Life Like in '52?

Get the kids to have a look at this link:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Think Its - Education City

NEW! Print for ThinkIts are pleased to announce that ThinkIts are now printable and available as worksheets!

The printable ThinkIts and worksheets will challenge fast finishers, provide fascinating and thought provoking homework activities or produce interesting and engaging classroom display material. You can also save printouts as pdfs for use anytime, anywhere!

Print is accessed via the new print button which is located on the right hand side of the screen. This launches a Print panel in which you can specify your  requirements, including a print-preview and the option to save them as a pdf.

Let us know what you think about the new printable ThinkIts option!

Monday, May 14, 2012

@CPRnet, 14/05/2012 19:42

Alison Peacock (@CPRnet)
14/05/2012 19:42
'Creating Learning without Limits' an alternative approach to primary school improvement is now available on kindle

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Staff Meeting 2/5/12

Lauren and I (and 24 of our children!) took part in a Brain-Based Learning Conference this week.

In it, we were privileged to be able to listen to a Dr Paul Howard-Jones from Bristol University. His area of expertise is Neuroscience and specifically education.

We will be following up many of his theories over time - but a useful starting point is the journal below.

For tonight's meeting I'd like you to read the journal and form some opinions based on the questions at the bottom of this post. As always - reflect on your practice and be honest about where you feel you could make some changes or developments where need's be or where you could celebrate some techniques that you are using already.

At the side of this blog are some 'Stixy' links for you to respond on - they are under the heading "Fostering Creative Thinking".

You can download the publication here or read below - it's up to you.

 Questions for Stixy

  • Where are you using analytical thinking? How are you encouraging it?
  • Where are you using generative thinking? How are you encouraging it?
  • Have you recognised when fixation occurs? How are you/will you help children avoid this?
  • How has the article altered the way you perceive creativity?

Friday, April 20, 2012


Hello All

I don't know if you saw this on TV - if you haven't, please watch with your professional eyes open.

This really gives an insight into what some of our parents have to deal with - it may well go some way to helping you understand still more about the condition and the impact it can have on the children and their families.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Outstanding Teaching

Hello All.

Prior to me sending out Teaching Profiles (as promised before at staff meeting) have a look at the links at the side of this blog for hints on becoming an outstanding teacher.

If you click here - you will download an Excel spreadsheet that, when you answer its questions, will give you an overview of your strengths and areas for development as a teacher. Give it a go (and be honest - no one else will know!!)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Does This Work?

Have a go at filling this in... Does it work?

J2e is an online creativity tool designed for education.

It brings the power of Web 2 into the classroomChildren can create, share and learn in an esafe environment.

Please follow this link to see what j2e can do for you in the classroom.

Follow these links to see some j2e videos to help get you started.

This video explains 1 part of the tool... there are more if you click on the badge and use the log-in details I've emailed you.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Education City Staffroom

Have you visited’s brand new Staffroom? It’s a fantastic one-stop-shop for all of your help, training and news needs. It’s accessible via the Teacher Area in the product. 

What’s it all about?

The Staffroom Community

Have the latest news and chat delivered to your staffroom keeping you up to date with all the latest community stories, updates, competitions and what’s new. Including the:
• fun & friendly blog delivering daily news, updates, community stories and fun to your fingertips
• Teachers forum – discuss and share ideas
• News – latest news updates
• Social media – linking you to your favourite social media channels

Topical resources

The latest topical dates and events covered with activity suggestions and more!

Help and Training

Meet the training team! They have compiled their essential guide to help and training from experience giving you all the information you need from getting started, to making the most of’s features including:
• Questions answered
• Help videos
• How-to’s
• Downloadable step-by-step user guides
• FAQs
• And much much more...
Make sure you are not missing out on all the latest in the staffroom, check it out today in the Teacher Area! The Staffroom has got everything to help you with using

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Reading Moderation

Just to remind you that next Wednesday is the BSN Reading Moderation meeting:

-          EY (Pimperne)

-          Y1/2 (Downlands)

-          Y3/4 (Spetisbury)

-          Y5/6 (ABW)

All teachers are to bring evidence of 3 children's work at different levels to the meeting for moderation purposes and discussion. Tea will be served from 3.45pmand the meetings will start at 4pm and last 1 hour.

Remember to make of the meetings what you can - get something out of them that will help you and your children. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Literacy Live

Click on the picture to follow the link to Education City's latest innovation - looks good...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Newsletter from the University of West of England

We are due to host Sarah Burge from UWE later this month and her University have sent on a newsletter that they send out. There are some lovely ideas on it for guided reading in particular - so I thought you might like a look!

Somerset Skills on Classroom Monitor

Somerset Skills are now on Classroom Monitor - hurrah! So now, for all Foundation Subjects - you must use the skills to assess your children.

Please remember - that for the skills themselves - Classroom Monitor will work slightly differently:

1) Assess your children using the skills for their year group - don't go looking for "Level" skills - they don't exist. Look for "Year Group" skills.
2) Classroom Monitor will give you a guide level as you complete your assessments. There is a matrix below to give you an idea of how this works.
3) MOST IMPORTANTLY - for the skills: click once (red) if the children have accessed the skill but not met the standards, click twice (yellow) if they've met the skill and three times (green) if they've exceeded all expectations.

Levels Matrix 

Obviously let me know if there are any issues and I'll see what I can do!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New RE Syllabus

There has been an update to the RE Syllabus in Dorset. You will have been invited to share a Dropbox folder with the resources in (which amounts to about 150MB I'm afraid) - please can you make sure you've accepted the share before next week's staff-meeting which will be led by Rose about the syllabus.