Thursday, January 5, 2012

Somerset Skills on Classroom Monitor

Somerset Skills are now on Classroom Monitor - hurrah! So now, for all Foundation Subjects - you must use the skills to assess your children.

Please remember - that for the skills themselves - Classroom Monitor will work slightly differently:

1) Assess your children using the skills for their year group - don't go looking for "Level" skills - they don't exist. Look for "Year Group" skills.
2) Classroom Monitor will give you a guide level as you complete your assessments. There is a matrix below to give you an idea of how this works.
3) MOST IMPORTANTLY - for the skills: click once (red) if the children have accessed the skill but not met the standards, click twice (yellow) if they've met the skill and three times (green) if they've exceeded all expectations.

Levels Matrix 

Obviously let me know if there are any issues and I'll see what I can do!

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